At the time of writing this review (May 4 2015) RWS released a small patch that fixed the previously mentioned bug and a couple others, but on the broken save I still experienced several crashes seemingly related to quick-loading. I was forced to start a new playthrough, albeit I didn’t mind as the game is super fun and not very long at all and this save had no big issues. During my playthrough I encountered a few minor glitches like floating items and a major bug that made the game crash right before entering the final area with the final boss. The fun isn’t without a few problems, though. When mixed with Catnip (which slows down time) this is a devastating power-up that can turn the strongest bosses into little pansies. This energy drink allows you to duel wield certain guns and blow away enemies. One of the funnest new aspects of Paradise Lost is Habib’s Power Station. Most ammo types are already given out like candy and the only time I thought the vending machines were truly useful was during the final boss when I had a ton of cash to spend and I was low on ammo and health, they seemed useless in any other area. Don’t expect to use them too often though, unless you use up a lot of your ammo or use up a lot of your health. Vending machines have also been added that act as a store to buy power-ups, ammo and guns and are placed around most of the major areas of the game. It’s a pretty fun weapon to use and the weapon itself is very powerful, killing most enemies in one hit with a well placed shot. Several new weapons have been added, the most notable being the weed whacker, lever-action shotgun and the revolver which plays similar to the Dead Eye mechanic in Red Dead Redemption once you gain enough kills with the revolver you can hold right click to target multiple enemies in the area and insta-kill them. The core of the gameplay hasn’t been changed much. Each area has their own obstacles in the way and easter eggs hidden around, some are easy to find and some are a little more involved to find, but worth the trouble.
Each area has a different scale of nuclear fallout: the starting area is desert, the next is raining constantly, then a snowy nuclear winter and finally an area with a sky full of ash which holds the Hellhole, the only entrance to El Perro Loco. Don’t riot just yet though, just about everywhere you’ve already been to in Paradise has been changed in some way, big or small it’s very refreshing to anyone who has seen every corner of Paradise in Postal 2. Some new areas have been added, but not many. The town of Paradise is similar to how it was in Postal 2. It’s always fun to light someone on fire and whip out your magic stick and urinate all over them to put them out and Paradise Lost adds to that unique brand of fun. The amount of content is almost as much as Postal 2 itself contained when it came out such as, five new days of the week to do monotonous -but fun- tasks and murder civilians, an all-new storyline with new characters and enemies, new weapons and more. Postal 2: Paradise Lost doesn’t give the game a new engine or pretty graphics, but what it does add to the game is fun and varying gameplay situations. Dude will come along factions composed of friends and enemies old and new, including famous child star, Zack Ward!

Along the Dudes journey you’ll notice that Paradise isn’t exactly the same place it was 11 years ago when you consider the fact that it had a nuclear warhead detonate in the town.

The Dudes problems don’t end there, not only is the only entrance to El Perro Loco sealed off, the Dude has a voice in his head and it’s the Dude from Postal III. Soon after, Dude finds out that Champ has turned into a giant hell dog the locals have dubbed “ El Perro Loco“. Our hero the Postal Dude wakes up from an 11 year long coma and his faithful dog, Champ is missing and Dude sets out on a mission to find him. The events of Paradise Lost take place 11 years after Apocalypse Weekend ends and once again takes place in Paradise, Arizona. “Not even the beloved and cherished American holiday classic, A Christmas Story? It comes out every year for 24 hours, dude.”